It has been awhile since I have posted. I am also way behind on reading the blogs that I like, I am trying to catch up on them. There is just always so much to do the computer definately takes the back seat.
Calves seem to be popping out almost every day. So of course now calf feeding time takes longer especially with all the bottles I have to do. We seem to be getting about 50% bulls and 50% heifers, I can live with that especially now because the bulls don't stay too long and that means less bottles to make.
We made it to pick cherries before they were gone and I was able to get some jelly made. The peas got picked and frozen and I have been picking cucumbers and zucchini. Soon it will be time to make pickles. I still want to be able to make it to pick some blueberries.
With all this sun and hot weather, hubby has really been at the hay. We usually make wrapped bales but with this stretch of no rain we are trying to make the dry hay we need and save the wrapped ones cause never know when the rain will come again, although I wish we could get a good rainy day right now. At least with the dry hay I don't have to help wrap it after night milking so that saves me time to do other things. The grass is about dead though so I guess that saves me time mowing the lawn. I love to go bare foot though and miss the soft green grass so for now it is flip flops.
Hope everyone is staying as cool as possible, we are surely trying. It is only bad when I get to milk and rub up against the sweaty cows. I tell them I am glad I am not a cow right now, poor girls!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago