It looks like maybe spring is finally going to be here, yippee!!! Tonight they are calling for some snow and sleet but the highs after today so far all start with a 4 or a 5 and the lows are all 30"s or close to it.
I am so ready to start planting things. I didn't start anything in my greenhouse yet this year because as cold as it was if I did I could of probably just forwarded our milk check to the electric company. Well this weekend I am going to. I asked my husband if he could get me some dirt to put in my containers. He gave me a look like I had 2 heads, last year at this time we could get the dirt, then he said it is frozen. Of course duh, I knew that. I asked him how soon did he think he could get me some dirt and again with the 2 head look, so I went and bought some dirt. I am going to fill one container and put in some carrots and lettuce in another and my broccoli and cauliflower I will just start in seed starter containers until he can get me dirt ( it is not cheap to buy). Every year I plant these items in my garden they just get eaten. I am so excited. I was in my greenhouse cleaning it out ( my family thinks it is a storage shed) and I noticed all the little spider egg thingies, OH BLAH! I really do not like spiders at all. If a big ugly one crawled on me ( or even a teeny tiny one but they are all big and ugly to me) I would probably strip naked on the spot ,screaming until I found out where it was if I hadn't croaked from my heart attack yet. That is how much I hate them ( I know kinda whimpy). Well anyway, I had to go get Alicia ( she helps us milk) and tell she had to come get those egg thingies out of there for me. I don't know if those eggs inside still could hatch after the cold but I wasn't taking any chances, so I made her do it. She was grinning at me the whole time. She knows how much I hate them because any time she sees a spider she pre warns me about it. I don't even mind snakes ( of course I am not going to touch them but I won't have a heart attack if one is in my vicinity).
Well a few things to do inside and out to the greenhouse before afternoon chores. I hope spring is coming for everyone else too and this snow sleet tonight is our last. Happy Spring, toodles!!!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago