It was so nice we got about 4 days in the 40's and I was starting to feel a little cheerier. I would stay outside after chores a little longer and do a few extra things. I peeled back the layer of clothing from 5 or 6 layers to 3. I actually had one less load of laundry to do each day cause the guys wore less layers too, I was feeling hopeful! Nope - back to freezing again and snow and below zero lows predicted again, YUCK!! How much more can we take before we all move south. I bet the cows agree with me and they would probably follow right along in hopes of sunshine and green grass.
It looks like the beginning of March is going to be nasty. I just hope that in like a lion out like a lamb holds true, I will cross my fingers. Stay warm everyone!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
We have seriously considered moving south ourselves! I think this winter has everyone thinking of moving to a warmer place! Hopefully the cold will move out soon and warm weather will be headed our way.