Oh this computer is driving me crazy. I don't know if it is my computer or the satellite service but everything is taking forever, so haven't got on here much the last few days. I will have to have son #1 look at it when he visits.
Well since it was warmer yesterday I was going to go out and take some pictures but plans changed. They finally started combining corn ( so many things went haywire and cause huge delays) and I had to make lunch for the guys. I whipped up egg salad since I always have plenty of eggs, made some homemade potato chips and some orange n cream drop cookies. Once that mess was all away and afternoon calf chores done then I made chicken and slicks ( got that off the cooks country show) and homemade dinner rolls for dinner. After that it was the Syracuse basketball game then bed. So no picture taking, with the computer it might have been a pain to get pictures on anyhow. Hope to soon though.
I don't watch too much TV but when I do I like sports, cooking shows and one of my favorite shows is Alaska the last frontier. Thank goodness for the dvr so I can watch them on my schedule and not theirs. This week is the Olympics so I will be watching all of them I can and of course tonight is the super bowl. Football is my favorite. Making meatball subs and peanut butter bars for tonight. I love to cook just wish I had more time for it. Making things homemade takes more time then the already prepared food.
Well a couple of the dry cows look like the might be having little ones sooner then I thought. Maybe I will get a picture of one of them. Well if my computer lets me I am going to read some other blogs then get things around for the game. Toodles!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
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