Friday, February 26, 2010

A snowy day

Well it has been a snowy couple of days. When it was all over we had about a foot but the wind was bad and we had some big drifts. Trying to drag myself and 5 gallon buckets full of feed and water through them wore me out. My husband had it all plowed out for me by afternoon chores though and he even made me a nice wide path to the chicken coop.
I decided to go out today and get some snow pictures. The cow is Titan our lineback steer. He must like the snow cause he was pretty covered and was out in it everytime I went by him. He posed very nice for his picture too. It is funny sometimes when friends are with me when I am over there feeding his group they say aren't you worried about the horns but I tell them when you get close to him the thing you have to watch out for is his tongue. If he can he will lick you all over and on cold cheeks it is rough. Of course he is trying to get some pets and his ears scratched. He is such a big softy but still we do watch the horns, wouldn't want him to stick us just playing.
Since I was out and had the camera I figured I might as well go check on the calf status again. Well my son was up there helping his dad clean the barn and before I even made it all the way to the barn he told me there was no calf so I got a picture of him instead. He was soaked I think when he wasn't busy he was jumping in the snow piles.
Today I got some butter made. With the snow it ended up to be a good day to do it. I used to make a small batch almost everyday after I skimmed the cream off the milk. I used to go around shaking it in a mason jar while I was getting my son up for school. Well I don't know why it never dawned on me before but I got smart and now I go out in the morning before the bulk tank is disturbed and skim about of gallon of just cream off the top and make a big batch using my kitchen aid. So much easier and I get a couple of pounds of butter so I don't have to make it so often. Now I have to decide what I want to make with the buttermilk.

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