Monday, October 4, 2010

Making Jelly

I was able to get the night milking off last night so I made some jelly. Now with the dandelion jelly I made this spring I also have grape, cranberry cider, apple, cherry, and peach wine. I also made some blueberry( not in the picture) but it did not come out quite like I wanted, it is almoat like I could spread it out and let it dry and it would make fruit roll ups. Last year the only jelly I made was the dandelion so the family should be happy with the selection they have this year. I still have more grape to make and we are going to make some apple cider so I will use some of that for jelly also. I will be doing applesauce tomorrow and then I have to can my pumpkin and then my canning ought to slow down and be about done.

With all the rain lately the cows have had to stay in the barn cause the pasture is so muddy. I don't know if they are happy about it or not. When it is raining when we are done milking they are happy to go in the barn but I am sure they would like to get out there during the sunny spots. We had a new calf yesterday, it has ben some time since we had one, it is like feast or famine. We did have a heifer that couldn't freshen by herself and had to have the vet up. It was coming backwards and she must have tried all night cause it was already dead when the vet got here. Unfortunately I think the stress the poor girl went through she died also. She just wouldn't eat afterwards even when it was brought right to her. It is sad but sometimes I know it happens.

I am hoping the sun shines soon again I have some painting to finish up on the outside of the barn. I started about a week ago and ran out of paint so I hope I can get it finished before it gets too cold. Nothing like the last minute but I have been so busy I never made it to it. Looks like maybe Friday, I hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Yummm, Miss Teri! Those preserves look wonderful! Would love to have your recipes for those.
    Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog- I really enjoyed my visit here today with you- I'll be back again soon!
    (By the way- we heat our home with a woodstove, and it is so wonderful. Lots of work, and messy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!)
