I see it has been almost 2 years since my last post. We no longer have dial up as today and posting with dial up was so frustrating so hopefully I will get back at posting. I am also excited to go and read some of the blogs I used too, it was forever to do that with dial up also.
I don't know if much has changed, we still have the dairy farm. No goats now but we have a couple of pigs. Now more then ever with rising costs we are still trying to make sure we are at least semi self sufficient. So we now have our own beef, milk, eggs and soon pork. Unfortunately this year wasn't the greatest gardening year so I did not can too awful much. Really this summer I was quite busy so canning might have taken a back seat but I hope next year the garden does better and I do get a lot done.
Hopefully now with high speed I can get pictures back on and really get back into the blog. I suppose right now I am going to go read some of my old favorites and see how they are doing. Hope to post again soon!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
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