This is my third post in a few days, that is more than I did in the past 2 years. I did miss posting and reading blogs and I have found some new ones I enjoy.
It is still quite the same on the farm. Cows- still no one looks like they are going to have a calf anytime soon, Pigs- still driving me nuts when I go to feed them. I will get in there with them and move their feeders close to the fence and put their feed in and go back out to dump in their milky water and cause the ground is frozen those buggers have moved the feeders where I can't reach them,UGH! If I had a couple of more hands I could take everything in at once. Chickens- still laying a good amount of eggs, although found one dead chicken today. Poor thing and never the one that pecks at me when I gather the eggs. Barn cats- too many, want some!!! Farmers- cold!!!! and the male ones get a little grumpy, lol.
Well sat down last night and attempted to get some crocheting done but about 2 minutes in to it eyes got heavy. I fought long and hard (about 2 minutes too) and finally gave in to that horrible thing called sleep. Oh the torture, but sometimes we just have to make some sacrafices now don't we. Unfortunately the football afghan I am working on still only has 2 of the 60 footballs done that are needed for it. Hope the family has good patience it may be awhile.
The girl who helps us made dinner tonight. She brought chicken patty penne parmesan so no cooking for me. Well I said I would make dessert, whatever she wanted and she requested homemade cinnamon rolls that made my hubby happy. So during the time I would make dinner I watched a couple of cooking shows.
Well that sleep thing is calling me again. Got to be all bright and bushy eyed for the girls in the morning. Toodles for now.
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago