Oh I can't stand this cold, single digit highs and below zero lows-PHOOEY! Today I suppose is a heat wave compared to the last week or so, it was 26 for a high, woo hoo! Of course we live on a hill so with the wind chill it didn't always feel 26 but an improvement it was over past days. Unfortunately right back down tomorrow for awhile too but it is cold all over. My husband keeps saying just think it is 1 day closer to spring but when it is -5 when he says that it really doesn't make me feel any warmer. Hope you all are keeping warm as possible.
I actually get 2 night milkings off in a row, tonight and tomorrow. What will I do with myself. Actually I have a million things to do, never a dull moment, but I just wonder where to start. I could do a nap, I have heard about those but never quite get to try them out,lol! No better not, besides I am a light sleeper and people are in and out of the door all the time and it wouldn't work for me.
I did put beef stew on for dinner so I don't have to worry about that. I probably will catch up on some book work and maybe later when the guys are watching tv get out my crocheting.
Well going to do laundry, got to get all those layers done so tomorrow morning I can get all bundled up to go milk the girls. I always tell them I am glad I am not a cow cause I get to go in and snuggle under the covers to sleep and they get the barn. If I had to choose, hanging out with the chickens would be better. Their coop is not to bad when I go in to get the eggs. Well toodles for now, keep warm!!!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
We're ready for spring here too! It's always interesting...in the cow stable right among the cows, it can be 50 degrees...and just 15 feet away, we can have frozen water pipes! Go figure! It's definitely been a harsh winter so far. Hope the summer is a bit cooler than usual too. That would be nice!