It has been quite awhile since I have been on. I just don't have too much time for the computer lately. In fact I only got this time because I was going to weed the strawberries but it started to rain so here I am. My son is loving it because what used to be my computer time is now his.
I have most all my garden all planted but with a new garden spot this year and the old one I still have lots of room so I am going to find some more to put in. I wasn't going to do beets this year but they are going in now. I just can't see letting that space go to waste. I am not sure what I am going to do with the rest quite yet. If all goes well with the weather and we have a much better year this year then last I told my husband I should be able to can and freeze alot and still have a produce stand ( lol). My husband has most all the field corn pllanted and this year he put me in a lot of sweet corn. It will be a busy canning season this year. The DR mini tiller my husband bought me is great and is going to save me huge amounts of time weeding.
We are starting to have some more calves, we have had 4 in the last 6 days and it will only get busier from here. I have some new goats, 2 does and twin nubian kids, and I also have some new chicks. I was going to get an incubater and hatch my own but my neighbor has a huge one and he is doing quail and pheasant eggs and is doing some of my eggs for me. First we sent him a dozen eggs and got 7 chicks and now he is incubating 42 eggs for us. So this year I can save the expense of an incubater. He also brought me two baby guniea hens, he knew I wanted some more ( we have 2 now) and when he saw a sign for them for sale he got me 2. Lots of new crittrers around here. Of course a couple barn cats had some kittens also, we will be looking to get them a home if possible. Anyone need a kitten?( ha ha)
Well like I said it has been awhile being on the computer so I am going to catch up on reading some of my favorite blogs.
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
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