We have finally started our hay. We put in twice as much corn as we did last year and hubby finished planting that a few days ago and was ready to start mowing hay when the rain came. We needed the rain though so it was welcome. Today though he mowed a small field next to our barn and so hay season begins. Hay season always means late nights and quick dinners for us. We wrap a lot of our hay for baleage so usually after milking is done at night I go help wrap the hay. Alot of times we are finishing up around 10:00 or 10:30 so that is where the quick meals come in if you are even in the mood for anything at all or we grab a sandwich around 4:00 just before I start milking. Hope we can really get at it though because the corn planting put us behind a little and the fields are ready.
I did take advantage of a rainy day and made homemade spaghetti sauce and homemade bread, I love it! Sorta of like a goodbye to big meals for a while or until another rainy day comes. I even made a quick batch of cookies.
The garden is doing well and I am thinking this year will be a much better year than last year which will mean lots of canning and full shelves of home grown food. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am a little disappointed with the strawberries I put in though only about half of them are growing but I guess I will stick some more in next year.
My son just loves the new little girl goat that we got. She ( he named her Shannon) slips right through the gate when she sees someone coming and comes to see us. My son loves running around the backyard with her. She follows him around when he is doing his chores also. Her brother stays in his pen and doesn't seem interested in following her, I think he figures he will get more milk while she is gone.
Well computer time is limited these days and I am pooped, the days go by so quickly with all I have to do. Enjoying it though and I hope everyone else is also!
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
Wishing you warm sunny days and clear bright nights for your haying. We just got started when the rains came..but it is nice today.