Monday, February 3, 2014

Some pictures - The men of the farm

The man of the barn
(not very photogenic)
The men of the pen
The man of the heifers (really not photogenic)
The man of the coop
He thinks he is man of the house ( the real men of the house were unavailable at the time of picture taking)
And Sapphire - not a man at all but followed me all around begging me to take her picture! She was very photogenic !!


  1. Good idea, to do a post about the men of the farm! We only have a few tom cats...all the other creatures on our farm are female! (except for my husband and son, of course!)

    1. I would need a lot of space for pictures of all the ladies ( you know the important part of the farm,lol)

  2. Replies
    1. She is very spoiled too! If she does something she is not supposed to ( which is quite often) she looks at you with that look that says, you can't be hit me you love me! Her mom is brown swiss and dad is a line back.
