It was such a beautiful day today that I let every animal out that I could, opened up every barn door or window possible and even opened up a couple in the house. I love when you can let the fresh air in, not that I stayed in at all today. I made sure I found lots of things to do outdoors today.
It was so funny, when one of our black australorp chickens got outside all she did was run around. She made laps through the front and back yard for hours. Everytime I turned around there she went running by. All the other chickens were sunning themselves or picking in the grass but not her she was like the energizer chicken she just kept going ( as you can see in the picture, she would not even pause long enough for a pose). I think she overheard our conversation about putting some of the chickens in the freezer so she was determined to slim down and toughen up. The other chickens were probably laying there chilling out enjoying the sun thinking that girl has gone mad! In fact I took a little break today and sat on the back porch watching her thinking the same thing.
It was so nice the last few days even my neighbors honey bees have spring fever. There are no blossoms for them yet so they have been hanging around our big bin full of ground corn. Everytime I go to get feed for the calves and heifers I have to walk through a whole bunch of them buzzing around. They get in my buckets and follow me for a bit. All I think is Nice Bees please be nice. I try not to dump any feed on them because I get my honey from my neighbor so I don't want to kill the poor things. My son says it freaks him out to go out and get the feed and have to go through the bees so he doesn't like to do it by himself when they are there.
Well there was a glitch in the tractor today and the hubby is out there working on it and it is getting late so I think I will go see if he needs a hand ( which usually means I just sit there and talk and usually to myself cause he is to busy concentrating on his stuff to listen to me). Hopefully more sun tomorrow!
Sorry about your tractor. A visiting kid got one of ours stuck yesterday, which made for some tense moments, but all ended well. It sure is sweet to be able to just go outdoors and be comfortable and enjoy it. I know there is bad weather left, but this has been a delightful week.
ReplyDeleteThe tractor is fixed, I never even made it out the door and he was coming in. Glad all ended well with yours(threecollie). I just kringe when he says something is broke on the tractor cause sometimes it means a lot of money. Yep, loving the weather!