The sun is out and the temperatures are in the 50's, it is so nice. I like that when I go out to milk cows I don't need thermal clothes or 4 layers on. It is also nice to open up the big door when we are milking, I love when it is natural light to milk with. I was also able to open the big doors on the calf barn so they can get sunshine too, I am sure they are pleased about that.
They are predicting rain though for the next few days though and kinda heavy on Sat. I guess. So the pond that has developed in my back yard will probably turn into a lake( because there is still quite a bit of snow to melt also). Well I guess I will have lake front property then. I just hope that the geese that hang out in the corn field don't decide to come swim in the back yard, oh the lake I mean, with my ducks. Last summer it rained so hard there was quite a large stream running down the hill in the yard and the kids were having a great time using it like a slip and slide.
I am also excited because we are getting some electrical work done in the house. We bought the farm from my husbands parents and it is an older house that needs some remodeling so as milk prices allow( which isn't too often) we try to do some. I am finally getting a bathroom light with a switch-Whoo hoo!!! I know most people have those but when you don't you get excited over little things like that. All we had was the one that his parents had which was a flouresent light sitting on the medicine cabinet. I had to use a flashlight to find things in the closet. Well as I type the light is going in. Also most of the rooms only have one outlet in them. A 100 years ago they didn't have all the computers and stuff so I guess one was sufficient. So before today I had a whole bunch of extension cords in my craft/computer room to plug everything in to the outlet. Anytime I needed to use something else like the sewing machine something else had to get unplugged. All the cords ran under my computer chair so if I forgot and moved the chair I would unplug the computer, how frustrating when you were right in the middle of something. But Whoo hoo again now I have 2 more outlets with 4 outlets in each and no more cords under my chair. Yippee how these little things excite me.
Well today I am starting some of my seeds. Another thing that excites me, boy it doesn't take much does it. I have been busy lately and haven't got the chance but now is the time. I also bought some of those water walls that go around the plants. I have never tried them but I have read about people who have used them and like them so I got a few and I am going to try to plant some tomato plants a little earlier in the garden this year so I need to get those seeds started. Only a few this year and if they work I will do more next year.
Well off to start my seeds and get out and enjoy this sunshine before the rain starts.
Your Correspondent
2 weeks ago
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