I don't know if it was the rain and gloom after such nice sunny days but today was just not my day. I had no energy and seemed to have to drag myself through every chore. I just did not feel like I wanted to do anything, I was just wanting to be done, wanting a day off. Day off, what is that? - a luxury that are few and far between at least at this farm and usually is gained only when you are vomiting every half hour ( if it is happens every 3-4 hours then there is still time in between for milking the cows).
My mood was even gloomy. We have a chicken that everytime I go to collect eggs under her she pecks at my hand terrible which usually I handle quite well. Not today, when she did it I felt like ripping her out of that box and plucking every last feather off her and putting her in the oven for dinner. Dinner, cooking- ugh! I just had no energy to even think about doing that today. Tonight my family would be dining on cereal so the chicken lives to see another day, lucky her.
It was becoming a long day that I kept hoping would soon end but it just dragged on. All I could think about was I wanted to have a day like my cats' day where the only decision I would have to make is when do I want to get my butt off this couch and go get something to eat.
Half way through milking tonight I did start to step it up a little and gain a little energy because I kept thinking it is almost over with, pajama time is near and MOVE OVER CAT! I even mustered up enough energy to cook dinner ( and no not the chicken!). So instead of rice krispies and lucky charms my family got ham, potatoes and corn although I think my son would of been happy with the lucky charms. So maybe it looks like tomorrow will be a better day, maybe more sun, more energy, a better mood but for today sorry for whining and thanks for listening ( the way that sounded it popped in my head that I should of said- Don't worry we'll leave the lights on) .
I had a day like that this week, too. I wanted to stay at home with the cat and do nothing but sleep. They certainly have the good life, don't they?