Monday, March 22, 2010

Geese in the back yard

Well the sun has left for today and it is raining but I didn't expect to get those nice sunny and warm days every day especially this early. I think this will be a good day to do some baking. I have spent most all my time outdoors lately I think I will bake some goodies for the family today.

We had another calf today and it is a heifer - Whoo Hoo! It is not a lineback one but it is a holstein. Usually if we get a full holstein calf it is a bull and the heifers are the cross breeds. She is little compared to those monster sized bulls we have been having. The barn is getting full of calves and we really haven't started the time when we usually get most of our calves. I will have to end up tucking some away in my son's bedroom if this keeps up.

The seeds that I started are up and I will be so glad when it is time to put them outside. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy too so I think I will start another batch of seeds.

Yesterday I was making butter when out of the corner of my eye through the window I caught a glimpse of the geese in my back yard. I was wondering if they would venture out of the cornfield and down to the yard and visit the ducks. I have to say I am not real happy about this. I didn't mind the geese when they stayed in the field but in my yard is another story. The ducks already make kinda of a mess out back by the chicken coop and we don't need the geese to help. I don't think I will have any grubs or bugs out there thanks to the ducks but I hope the grass will grow back this spring. I should of grabbed my camera cause they are pretty but I was in the middle of the butter making so I just watched them as I worked.

Well off to baking before afternoon chores come.

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