Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another R/W lineback heifer calf !

Mouth and her baby

I thought the possibility of getting more than one red and white lineback was probably not going to happen but we have had five now and this is the latest one and it is a heifer. We have had 3 bulls and 2 heifers and quite a few black and white linebacks also. Our lineback bull was quite a worker and good at his job, wish he was still here.

Late this last fall the dry cow lot got quite muddy so my husband pushed some of it up in a pile and figured when people stop this spring for dirt for their garden he would use this pile. Well Mouth and her baby decided this was a good napping spot also. They stayed there all afternoon till we went to get them and bring them to the barn.

I like to read Jackie Clay's blog, Ask Jackie on Backwood's home magazines web site and after reading it today I am a little bummed. She showed 2 pepper plants she started one in pro mix and one in miracle grow mix and the one in the pro mix was way bigger. I started my seeds in the miracle grow mix. They are growing but now I am wondering if they would be bigger if I started them in something else. I just might have to make a trip out and get some more started in something else to see how they do. Maybe I will just get some of that dirt Mouth was laying in. It would be interesting to see the difference.

Well with it being chilly out ( snow covered many things this morning- BURR!) I am going to go put a roast on. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn and dinner rolls sound so yummy. Maybe I will even whip up a dessert and make the family happy.


  1. I read a thing last fall about pepper plants hating peat for some reason. I wonder if there is more peat in the mix? I am so far behind I haven't even started any peppers yet. lol So you are way ahead of me.

  2. Yeah but my peppers are yet to pop up, everything else has. I did get some barn dirt and planted a few different things in that to see what happens.
